Publications of George Floudas

Journal Article (179)

Journal Article
Pipertzis, A.; Kafetzi, M.; Giaouzi, D.; Pispas, S.; Floudas, G.: Grafted Copolymer Electrolytes Based on the Poly(acrylic acid-co-oligo ethylene glycol acrylate) (P(AA-co-OEGA)) Ion-Conducting and Mechanically Robust Block. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (10), pp. 7070 - 7080 (2022)
Journal Article
Spyridakou, M.; Gardiner, C.; Papamokos, G.; Frey, H.; Floudas, G.: Dynamics of Poly(cyclohexene carbonate) as a Function of Molar Mass. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (5), pp. 3833 - 3843 (2022)
Journal Article
Pipertzis, A.; Asadi, K.; Floudas, G.: P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer Dynamics as a Function of Temperature and Pressure in the Vicinity of the Curie Transition. Macromolecules 55 (7), pp. 2746 - 2757 (2022)
Journal Article
Spyridakou, M.; Tsimenidis, K.; Gkikas, M.; Steinhart, M.; Graf, R.; Floudas, G.: Effects of Nanometer Confinement on the Self-Assembly and Dynamics of Poly(γ-benzyl-l-glutamate) and Its Copolymer with Poly(isobutylene). Macromolecules 55 (7), pp. 2615 - 2626 (2022)
Journal Article
Galanos, E.; Steube, M.; Butt, H.-J.; Frey, H.; Floudas, G.: Ordering kinetics of a tapered copolymer based on isoprene and styrene. The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (13), 134904 (2022)
Journal Article
Galanos, E.; Wahlen, C.; Butt, H.-J.; Frey, H.; Floudas, G.: Phase Diagram of Tapered Copolymers Based on Isoprene and Styrene. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2200033 (2022)
Journal Article
Dreier, P.; Pipertzis, A.; Spyridakou, M.; Mathes, R.; Floudas, G.; Frey, H.: Introduction of Trifluoromethanesulfonamide Groups in Poly(ethylene oxide): Ionic Conductivity of Single-Ion-Conducting Block Copolymer Electrolytes. Macromolecules 55 (4), pp. 1342 - 1353 (2022)
Journal Article
Tu, C.-H.; Veith, L.; Butt, H.-J.; Floudas, G.; Floudas, G.: Ionic Conductivity of a Solid Polymer Electrolyte Confined in Nanopores. Macromolecules 55 (4), pp. 1332 - 1341 (2022)
Journal Article
Tu, C.-H.; Zhou, J.; Butt, H.-J.; Floudas, G.: Adsorption Kinetics of cis-1,4-Polyisoprene in Nanopores by In Situ Nanodielectric Spectroscopy. Macromolecules 54 (13), pp. 6267 - 6274 (2021)
Journal Article
Theodoridis, A.; Papamokos, G.; Wiesenfeldt, M. P.; Wollenburg, M.; Müllen, K.; Glorius, F.; Floudas, G.: Polarity Matters: Dielectric Relaxation in All-cis-Multifluorinated Cycloalkanes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (14), pp. 3700 - 3709 (2021)
Journal Article
Pipertzis, A.; Papamokos, G.; Sachnik, O.; Allard, S.; Scherf, U.; Floudas, G.: Ionic Conductivity in Polyfluorene-Based Diblock Copolymers Comprising Nanodomains of a Polymerized Ionic Liquid and a Solid Polymer Electrolyte Doped with LiTFSI. Macromolecules 54 (9), pp. 4257 - 4268 (2021)
Journal Article
Steube, M.; Plank, M.; Gallei, M.; Frey, H.; Floudas, G.: Building Bridges by Blending: Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Binary Tapered Diblock/Multiblock Copolymer Blends. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 222 (4), 2000373 (2021)
Journal Article
Vereroudakis, E.; Bang, K.-T.; Karouzou, M.; Ananiadou, A.; Noh, J.; Choi, T.-L.; Loppinet, B.; Floudas, G.; Vlassopoulos, D.: Multi-scale Structure and Dynamics of Dendronized Polymers with Varying Generations. Macromolecules 54 (1), pp. 235 - 248 (2021)
Journal Article
Yao, Y.; Zhou, T.; Färber, R.; Grossner, U.; Floudas, G.; Mezzenga, R.: Designing cryo-enzymatic reactions in subzero liquid water by lipidic mesophase nanoconfinement. Nature Nanotechnology 16, pp. 802 - 810 (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, G.; Rocha, S.; Lu, G.; Yuan, H.; Uji-i, H.; Floudas, G. A.; Müllen, K.; Xiao, L.; Hofkens, J.; Debroye, E.: Spatially and Temporally Resolved Heterogeneities in a Miscible Polymer Blend. ACS Omega 5 (37), pp. 23931 - 23939 (2020)
Journal Article
Elmahdy, M. M.; Gournis, D.; Ladavos, A. K.; Spanos, C.; Floudas, G.: H-Shaped Copolymer of Polyethylene and Poly(ethylene oxide) under Severe Confinement: Phase State and Dynamics. Langmuir 36 (16), pp. 4261 - 4271 (2020)
Journal Article
Keivanidis, P. E.; Itskos, G.; Kan, Z.; Aluicio-Sarduy, E.; Goudarzi, H.; Kamm, V.; Laquai, F.; Zhang, W.; Brabec, C.; Floudas, G. et al.; McCulloch, I.: Afterglow Effects as a Tool to Screen Emissive Nongeminate Charge Recombination Processes in Organic Photovoltaic Composites. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (2), pp. 2695 - 2707 (2020)
Journal Article
Aivali, S.; Anastasopoulos, C.; Andreopoulou, A.K.; Pipertzis, A.; Floudas, G.; Kallitsis, J. K.: A "Rigid-Flexible" Approach for Processable Perylene Diimide-Based Polymers: Influence of the Specific Architecture on the Morphological, Dielectric, Optical, and Electronic Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (24), pp. 5079 - 5090 (2020)
Journal Article
Livitsanou, C.; Steube, M.; Johann, T.; Frey, H.; Floudas, G.: Local and Subchain Relaxation of Polyisoprene in Multiblock Copolymers with a Tapered Interface. Macromolecules 53 (8), pp. 3042 - 3051 (2020)
Journal Article
Pipertzis, A.; Papamokos, G.; Mühlinghaus, M.; Mezger, M.; Scherf, U.; Floudas, G.: What Determines the Glass Temperature and dc-Conductivity in Imidazolium-Polymerized Ionic Liquids with a Polythiophene Backbone? Macromolecules 53 (9), pp. 3535 - 3550 (2020)
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