Publications of Kurt Kremer

Conference Paper (26)

Conference Paper
Potestio, R.; Fogarty, A.; Peter, C.; Kremer, K.: Adaptive Resolution Simulation. In: Computational Trends in Solvation and Transport in Liquids - Lecture Notes, pp. 353 - 381 (Eds. Sutmann, G.; Grotendorst, J.; Gompper, G.; Marx, D.). CECAM school, 23-27 March 2015, Jülich, Germany, Jülich, March 23, 2015 - March 27, 2015. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich (2015)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Introduction to Section Computational Soft Matter. In: NIC Series, Vol. 47, pp. 277 - 278 (Eds. Binder, K.; Münster, G.; Kremer, M.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, February 12, 2014 - February 13, 2014. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2014)
Conference Paper
Mukherji, D.; Kremer, K.: Effective Open Boundary Molecular Dynamics for Biologically Relevant Aqueous Mixtures. In: NIC Series, Vol. 46, pp. 111 - 125 (Eds. Müser, M.; Sutmann, G.; Winkler, R. G.). Hybrid Particle-Continuum Methods in Computational Materials Physics, Jülich, March 04, 2013 - March 07, 2013. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2013)
Conference Paper
Potestio, R.; Kremer, K.: Theory and Practice of Adaptive Resolution Simulations. In: NIC Series, Vol. 46, pp. 79 - 94 (Eds. Müser, M.; Sutmann, G.; Winkler, R. G.). Hybrid Particle-Continuum Methods in Computational Materials Physics, Jülich, March 04, 2013 - March 07, 2013. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2013)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Introduction to Section Computational Soft Matter Science. In: NIC Series, Vol. 45, pp. 275 - 276 (Eds. Binder, K.; Kremer, M.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, February 07, 2012 - February 08, 2012. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2012)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Introduction to Section Computational Soft Matter. In: NIC Series, Vol. 44, pp. 259 - 261 (Eds. Münster, G.; Wolf, D.; Kremer, M.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, February 24, 2010 - February 25, 2010. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2010)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Introduction to Section Computational Soft Matter Science. In: NIC Series, Vol. 39, pp. 253 - 254 (Eds. Münster, G.; Wolf, D.; Kremer, M.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, February 20, 2008 - February 21, 2008. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2008)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Introduction to Section Polymers - Soft Matter. In: NIC Series, Vol. 32, pp. 243 - 244 (Eds. Münster, G.; Wolf, D.; Kremer, M.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, March 01, 2006 - March 02, 2006. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2006)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Entangled Polymers: From Universal Aspects to Structure Property Relations. In: Computational Soft Matter: From Synthetic Polymers to Proteins, pp. 141 - 168 (Eds. Attig, N.; Binder, K.; Grubmüller, H.; Kremer, K.). Winter School, Bonn, February 29, 2004 - March 06, 2004. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2004)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Introduction to Section Polymers - Soft Matter. In: NIC Series, Vol. 20, pp. 321 - 322 (Eds. Wolf, D.; Münster, G.; Kremer, M.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, February 17, 2004 - February 18, 2004. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2004)
Conference Paper
Holm, C.; Kremer, K.; Deserno, M.; Limbach, H. J.: Computer Modeling of Charged Polymers. In: NIC Series, Vol. 9, pp. 385 - 395 (Eds. Rollnik, H.; Wolf, D.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, December 05, 2001 - December 06, 2001. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2002)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Computer Simulations in Soft Matter Science. In: Soft matter: complex materials on mesoscopic scale, pp. A7.1 - A7.37 (Eds. Dhont, J. K. G.; Gompper, G.; Richter, D.). 33. IFF-Ferienkurs, Jülich. Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich (2002)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Introduction to Section Polymers. In: NIC Series, Vol. 9, pp. 359 - 361 (Eds. Rollnik, H.; Wolf, D.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, December 05, 2001 - December 06, 2001. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2002)
Conference Paper
Holm, C.; Kremer, K.: Computer simulations of charged systems. Electrostatic Effects in Soft Matter and Biophysics, pp. 117 - 148 (2001)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Computer Simulations in Soft Matter Science. 53rd Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, ST ANDREWS, SCOTLAND. Soft and Fragile Matter: Nonequilibrium Dynamics, Metastability and Flow 53, pp. 145 - 184 (2000)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Perspektiven der Computersimulation von Werkstoffen. In: Werkstoffwoche '98: [12.-15. Okt. 1998, München] / Gemeinschaftsprojekt von: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM) ; Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft (DKG) ; VDI-Gesellschaft Werkstofftechnik (VDI-W); Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF).. Werkstoffwoche '98, München , October 12, 1998 - October 15, 1998. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim[u.a.] (1999)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Polymerschmelzen und Netzwerke. In: Dynamik und Strukturbildung in kondensierter Materie. 28. IFF-Ferienkurs, Jülich, March 03, 1997 - March 14, 1997. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich (1997)
Conference Paper
Stevens, M. J.; Kremer, K.: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Charged Polymer Chains from Dilute to Semidilute Concentrations. In: Macro-ion Characterization: From Dilute Solutions to Complex Fluids, pp. 57 - 66. (1993)
Conference Paper
Dünweg, B.; Kremer, K.: Microscopic verification of dynamic scaling in dilute polymer solutions: A molecular-dynamics simulation. In: Papers presented at the San Francisco, CA Meeting, pp. 675 - 676. San Francisco Meeting , San Francisco, April 05, 1991 - April 10, 1991. American Chemical Society / Division of Polymer Chemistry (1992)
Conference Paper
Kremer, K.: Dynamics of polymer solutions and melts. In: Festkörperprobleme 32, Vol. 32, pp. 1 - 18. Plenary Lectures of the Divisions of the German Physical Society (DPG), Regensburg, March 16, 1992 - March 20, 1992. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1992)
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