Publications of Kurt Kremer

Journal Article (370)

Journal Article
Baptista, L. A.; Dutta, R. C.; Sevilla, M.; Heidari, M.; Potestio, R.; Kremer, K.; Cortes Huerto, R.: Density-functional-theory approach to the Hamiltonian adaptive resolution simulation method. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (18), 184003 (2021)
Journal Article
Parisi, D.; Costanzo, S.; Jeong, Y.; Ahn, J.; Chang, T.; Vlassopoulos, D.; Halverson, J. D.; Kremer, K.; Ge, T.; Rubinstein, M. et al.; Grest, G. S.; Srinin, W.; Grosberg, A. Y.: Nonlinear Shear Rheology of Entangled Polymer Rings. Macromolecules 54 (6), pp. 2811 - 2827 (2021)
Journal Article
Jangizehi, A.; Schmid, F.; Besenius, P.; Kremer, K.; Seiffert, S.: Defects and defect engineering in Soft Matter. Soft Matter 16 (48), pp. 10809 - 10859 (2020)
Journal Article
Chubak, I.; Likos, C. N.; Kremer, K.; Smrek, J.: Emergence of active topological glass through directed chain dynamics and nonequilibrium phase segregation. Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043249 (2020)
Journal Article
Pachong, S. M.; Chubak, I.; Kremer, K.; Smrek, J.: Melts of nonconcatenated rings in spherical confinement. The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (6), 064903 (2020)
Journal Article
Schlisske, S.; Rosenauer, C.; Rödlmeier, T.; Giringer, K.; Michels, J. J.; Kremer, K.; Lemmer, U.; Morsbach, S.; Daoulas, K.; Hernandez-Sosa, G.: Ink Formulation for Printed Organic Electronics: Investigating Effects of Aggregation on Structure and Rheology of Functional Inks Based on Conjugated Polymers in Mixed Solvents. Advanced Materials Technologies 6 (2), 2000335 (2020)
Journal Article
Fiorentini, R.; Kremer, K.; Potestio, R.: Ligand-protein interactions in lysozyme investigated through a dual-resolution model. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 88 (10), pp. 1351 - 1360 (2020)
Journal Article
Ohkuma, T.; Kremer, K.: A composition transferable and time-scale consistent coarse-grained model for cis-polyisoprene and vinyl-polybutadiene oligomeric blends. Journal of Physics: Materials 3 (3), 034007 (2020)
Journal Article
Zhao, Y.; Cortes-Huerto, R.; Kremer, K.; Rudzinski, J. F.: Investigating the Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins with a Simple Physics-Based Model. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (20), pp. 4097 - 4113 (2020)
Journal Article
Heidari, M.; Kremer, K.; Golestanian, R.; Potestio, R.; Cortes Huerto, R.: Open-boundary Hamiltonian adaptive resolution. From grand canonical to non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (19), 194104 (2020)
Journal Article
Zhao, Y.; Singh, M. K.; Kremer, K.; Cortes-Huerto, R.; Mukherji, D.: Why Do Elastin-Like Polypeptides Possibly Have Different Solvation Behaviors in Water-Ethanol and Water-Urea Mixtures? Macromolecules 53 (6), pp. 2101 - 2110 (2020)
Journal Article
Mukherji, D.; Marques, C. M.; Kremer, K.: Smart Responsive Polymers: Fundamentals and Design Principles. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics ; Annual Reviews , Palo Alto, Calif. 11, pp. 271 - 299 (2020)
Journal Article
Chen, C.; Wunderlich, K.; Mukherji, D.; Koynov, K.; Heck, A.; Raabe, M.; Barz, M.; Fytas, G.; Kremer, K.; Ng, D. Y. W. et al.; Weil, T.: Precision Anisotropic Brush Polymers by Sequence Controlled Chemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (3), pp. 1332 - 1340 (2020)
Journal Article
Smrek, J.; Chubak, I.; Likos, C. N.; Kremer, K.: Active topological glass. Nature Communications 11 (1), 26 (2020)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Efficient equilibration of confined and free-standing films of highly entangled polymer melts. The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (14), 144902 (2020)
Journal Article
Liu, C.; Brandenburg, J. G.; Valsson, O.; Kremer, K.; Bereau, T.: Free-energy landscape of polymer-crystal polymorphism. Soft Matter 16 (42), pp. 9683 - 9692 (2020)
Journal Article
Singh, M. K.; Hu, M.; Cang, Y.; Hsu, H.-P.; Therien-Aubin, H.; Koynov, K.; Fytas, G.; Landfester, K.; Kremer, K.: Glass Transition of Disentangled and Entangled Polymer Melts: Single-Chain-Nanoparticles Approach. Macromolecules 53 (17), pp. 7312 - 7321 (2020)
Journal Article
Zhang, J.; Kremer, K.; Michels, J. J.; Daoulas, K.: Exploring Disordered Morphologies of Blends and Block Copolymers for Light-Emitting Diodes with Mesoscopic Simulations. Macromolecules 53 (231), pp. 523 - 538 (2020)
Journal Article
Bause, M.; Wittenstein, T.; Kremer, K.; Bereau, T.: Microscopic reweighting for nonequilibrium steady-state dynamics. Physical Review E 100 (6), 060103 (2019)
Journal Article
Chaimovich, A.; Kremer, K.; Peter, C.: Relative Resolution: A multipole approximation at appropriate distances. Physical Review Research 1 (2), 023034 (2019)
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