Publications of Akimitsu Narita

Journal Article (189)

Journal Article
Jin, E.; Yang, Q.; Ju, C.-W.; Chen, Q.; Landfester, K.; Bonn, M.; Müllen, K.; Liu, X.; Narita, A.: A Highly Luminescent Nitrogen-Doped Nanographene as an Acid- and Metal-Sensitive Fluorophore for Optical Imaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (27), pp. 10403 - 10412 (2021)
Journal Article
Jin, L.; Bilbao, N.; Lv, Y.; Wang, X.-Y.; Soltani, P.; Mali, K. S.; Narita, A.; De Feyter, S.; Müllen, K.; Chen, Z.: 2D self-assembly and electronic characterization of oxygen-boron-oxygen-doped chiral graphene nanoribbons. Chemical Communications 57 (49), pp. 6031 - 6034 (2021)
Journal Article
Hong, J.; Xiao, X.; Liu, H.; Fu, L.; Wang, X.-C.; Zhou, L.; Wang, X.-Y.; Qiu, Z.; Cao, X.-Y.; Narita, A. et al.; Müllen, K.; Hu, Y.: X-shaped thiadiazole-containing double [7]heterohelicene with strong chiroptical response and pi-stacked homochiral assembly. Chemical Communications 57 (45), pp. 5566 - 5569 (2021)
Journal Article
Chen, Q.; Baumgarten, M.; Wagner, M.; Hu, Y.; Hou, I. C.-Y.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.: Dicyclopentaannelated Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes with a Singlet Biradical Ground State. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (20), pp. 11300 - 11304 (2021)
Journal Article
Shinde, P. P.; Liu, J.; Dienel, T.; Gröning, O.; Dumslaff, T.; Mühlinghaus, M.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Fasel, R. et al.; Ruffieux, P.; Passerone, D.: Graphene nanoribbons with mixed cove-cape-zigzag edge structure. Carbon 175, pp. 50 - 59 (2021)
Journal Article
Weippert, J.; Huber, P.; Hauns, J.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.; Amsharov, K. Y.; Böttcher, A.; Kappes, M. M.: Comparative Study of Direct and Graphite-Mediated Oxidation of Large PAHs. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (15), pp. 8163 - 8176 (2021)
Journal Article
Yao, X.; Zheng, W.; Osella, S.; Qiu, Z.; Fu, S.; Schollmeyer, D.; Müller, B.; Beljonne, D.; Bonn, M.; Wang, H. I. et al.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.: Synthesis of Nonplanar Graphene Nanoribbon with Fjord Edges. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (15), pp. 5654 - 5658 (2021)
Journal Article
Qiu, Z.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.: Spiers Memorial Lecture. Carbon nanostructures by macromolecular design - from branched polyphenylenes to nanographenes and graphene nanoribbons. Faraday Discussions 227, pp. 8 - 45 (2021)
Journal Article
Qiu, Z.; Ju, C.-W.; Frederic, L.; Hu, Y.; Schollmeyer, D.; Pieters, G.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.: Amplification of Dissymmetry Factors in pi-Extended [7]- and [9]Helicenes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (12), pp. 4661 - 4667 (2021)
Journal Article
Xu, X.; Kinikar, A.; Di Giovannantonio, M.; Ruffieux, P.; Müllen, K.; Fasel, R.; Narita, A.: On-surface synthesis of dibenzohexacenohexacene and dibenzopentaphenoheptaphene. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 94 (3), pp. 997 - 999 (2021)
Journal Article
Liu, Z.; Qiu, H.; Fu, S.; Wang, C.; Yao, X.; Dixon, A. G.; Campidelli, S.; Pavlica, E.; Bratina, G.; Zhao, S. et al.; Rondin, L.; Lauret, J.-S.; Narita, A.; Bonn, M.; Müllen, K.; Ciesielski, A.; Wang, H. I.; Samorì, P.: Solution-Processed Graphene–Nanographene van der Waals Heterostructures for Photodetectors with Efficient and Ultralong Charge Separation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (41), pp. 17109 - 17116 (2021)
Journal Article
Mishra, S.; Yao, X.; Chen, Q.; Eimre, K.; Gröning, O.; Ortiz, R.; Di Giovannantonio, M.; Sancho-Garcia, J. C.; Fernandez-Rossier, J.; Pignedoli, C. A. et al.; Müllen, K.; Ruffieux, P.; Narita, A.; Fasel, R.; R: Large magnetic exchange coupling in rhombus-shaped nanographenes with zigzag periphery. Nature Chemistry 13, pp. 581 - 586 (2021)
Journal Article
Xu, X.; Di Giovannantonio, M.; Urgel, J. I.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Ruffieux, P.; Müllen, K.; Fasel, R.; Narita, A.; Narita, A.: On-surface activation of benzylic C-H bonds for the synthesis of pentagon-fused graphene nanoribbons. Nano Research 14, pp. 4754 - 4759 (2021)
Journal Article
Zhou, Y.; Tao, X.; Chen, G.; Lu, R.; Wang, D.; Chen, M.; Jin, E.; Yang, J.; Liang, H.; Zhao, Y. et al.; Feng, X.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.: Multilayer stabilization for fabricating high-loading single-atom catalysts. Nature Communications 11 (1), 5892 (2020)
Journal Article
Keerthi, A.; Sánchez‐Sánchez, C.; Deniz, O.; Ruffieux, P.; Schollmeyer, D.; Feng, X.; Narita, A.; Fasel, R.; Müllen, K.: On-surface Synthesis of a Chiral Graphene Nanoribbon with Mixed Edge Structure. Chemistry – An Asian Journal 15 (22), pp. 3807 - 3811 (2020)
Journal Article
Chen, Z.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.: Graphene Nanoribbons: On-Surface Synthesis and Integration into Electronic Devices. Advanced Materials 32 (45), 2001893 (2020)
Journal Article
Dumslaff, T.; Gu, Y.; Paternò, G. M.; Qiu, Z.; Maghsoumi, A.; Tommasini, M.; Feng, X.; Scotognella, F.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.: Hexa-peri-benzocoronene with two extra K-regions in an ortho-configuration. Chemical Science 11 (47), pp. 12816 - 12821 (2020)
Journal Article
Cavani, N.; De Corato, M.; Ruini, A.; Prezzi, D.; Molinari, E.; Rizzini, A. L.; Rosi, A.; Biagi, R.; Corradini, V.; Wang, X.-Y. et al.; Feng, X.; Narita, A.; Muellen, K.; De Renzi, V.: Vibrational signature of the graphene nanoribbon edge structure from high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Nanoscale 12 (38), pp. 19681 - 19688 (2020)
Journal Article
Hou, I. C.-Y.; Berger, F.; Narita, A.; Muellen, K.; Hecht, S.: Protonenvermittelter Ringschluss eines negativ photochromen, Azulen-basierten Diarylethens. Angewandte Chemie 132 (42), pp. 18690 - 18695 (2020)
Journal Article
Hou, I. C.-Y.; Berger, F.; Narita, A.; Muellen, K.; Hecht, S.: Proton‐Gated Ring‐Closure of a Negative Photochromic Azulene‐Based Diarylethene. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (42), pp. 18532 - 18536 (2020)
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