Prof. Dr. George Fytas

George Fytas is professor of Physical Chemistry in the Department of Materials Science & Technology of the University of Crete, affiliated member of IESL/FORTH and External Member of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz. George Fytas has received the BS in Chemistry Department of the University of Athens and the PhD with from the Technical University of Hannover in Germany. He performed his postdoc research in SUNY at Stony Brook in USA and received his habilitation from the University of Bielefeld in Germany. He has received honor professorship offer from the University of Patras and the first FO.R.T.H Award for Basic Research (1999). He was nominated as external member of Max Planck Society (1998), received a Humboldt Senior Research Award (2002), became a Fellow of the American Physical Society (2004), received an invited professorship in the University of Lille (2009, 2012) is Member of the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems ICMS (TU/e), Eindhoven, Adjunct Professor at the University of Akron (2013), distinguished Fellow of Tongji University in Shanghai and Shanxi University in Taiyuan, visiting Professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology  and awarded with ERC 2015 Advanced Grant. He served as Regional Editor of Colloid & Polymer Science and member of the Editorial Advisory Board in four international journals. His mission is the basic understanding and prediction of the behavior and tunability of unconventional physical properties of structured soft materials with spatiotemporal complexity.

Research interests

We employ spontaneous Brillouin Light Spectroscopy and develop a stimulated hypersound technique to study elastic wave propagation polymer-and colloid-based structures (phononics), direction dependent thermomechanical properties and photon-phonon interactions.

Selected Publications

Jeena Varghese, Visnja Babacic, Mikolaj Pochylski, Jacek Gapinski, Hans-Jürgen Butt, Georg Fytas, and Bartlomiej Graczykowski Katharina Landfester (ed), "Surface Engineering of Polymeric Colloidal Crystals by Temperature – Pressure Annealing," Macromolecular Rapid Communications 45 (24), 2400668 (2024).
Emmanouela Filippidi, Anuj K. Dhiman, Benke Li, Thanasis Athanasiou, Dimitris Vlassopoulos, and Georg Fytas, "Multiscale Elasticity of Epoxy Networks by Rheology and Brillouin Light Spectroscopy," The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 128 (50), 12628-12637 (2024).
Thomas Vasileiadis, Marius Schöttle, Maximilian Theis, Markus Retsch, Georg Fytas, and Bartlomiej Graczykowski, "Elasticity Mapping of Colloidal Glasses Reveals the Interplay between Mesoscopic Order and Granular Mechanics," Small Methods , 2400855 (2024).
Rongguan Yin, Jirameth Tarnsangpradit, Akhtar Gul, Jaepil Jeong, Xiaolei Hu, Yuqi Zhao, Hanshu Wu, Qiqi Li, Georg Fytas, Alamgir Karim, Michael R. Bockstaller, and Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, "Organic nanoparticles with tunable size and rigidity by hyperbranching and cross-linking using microemulsion ATRP," PNAS 121 (29), e2406337121 (2024).
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