Dr. Rüdiger Berger


Rüdiger Berger heads the core facilty Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) for characterizing surface and interface properties. He operates and organizes the laboratory with ten different microscopes from different manufacturers. Typically, scientists from all research groups work in the lab, with currently 30 users of SPM. Rüdiger Berger's research topics are the investigation of electrical properties of surfaces in the nanometer range. He is working on charge transport in solar cells and batteries. In close collaboration with AK Butt, he develops methods to study the friction of droplets. In particular, the behavior of droplets at defects and interfaces is investigated.


Short CV

Rüdiger Berger studied physics at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. He got his diploma in Physics in 1994 in the field of high Tc-superconductors where he worked on imaging and manipulation methods using Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM). Then he moved to Switzerland where he made his PhD thesis and a PostDoc in the field of micromechanical sensors in the group of Ch. Gerber and J. Gimzewski at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory. 1998 he joined the Analysis Laboratory at the IBM Deutschland Speichersysteme GmbH (Mainz). Here he worked on the automation of test systems, in-situ flight height control and the investigation of ion-beam structuring of magnetic materials. Since October 2002 Rüdiger Berger is working at the MPI for Polymer Research.

Selected Publications

Hinduja, C.; Butt, H.-J.; Berger, R.: Slide electrification of drops at low velocities. Soft Matter 20 (15), pp. 3349 - 3358 (2024)
Li, X.; Bodziony, F.; Yin, M.; Marschall, H.; Berger, R.; Butt, H.-J.: Kinetic drop friction. Nature Communications 14, 4571 (2023)
Zhu, C.; Fuchs, T.; Weber, S. A. L.; Richter, F. H.; Glasser, G.; Weber, F.; Butt, H.-J.; Janek, J.; Berger, R.: Understanding the evolution of lithium dendrites at Li6.25Al0.25La3Zr2O12 grain boundaries via operando microscopy techniques. Nature Communications 14, 1300 (2023)
Shumaly, S.; Darvish, F.; Li, X.; Saal, A.; Hinduja, C.; Steffen, W.; Kukharenko, O.; Butt, H.-J.; Berger, R.: Deep Learning to Analyze Sliding Drops. Langmuir 39 (3), pp. 1111 - 1122 (2023)
Bergmann, V. W.; Weber, S. A. L.; Ramos, F. J.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Grätzel, M.; Li, D.; Domanski, A. L.; Lieberwirth, I.; Ahmad, S.; Berger, R.: Real-space observation of unbalanced charge distribution inside a perovskite-sensitized solar cell. Nature Communications 5, 5001 (2014)
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