Hakan Demirezen
Department of Synthesis of Macromolecules
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Curriculum Vitae
Hakan received his master's degree in Biomedical Chemistry from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany) in 2023. During his studies, he spent a semester abroad at the University of Bergen (Norway), where he joined Prof. Dr. Ruth Brenk's group, working on the synthesis and crystallization of FMN and TPP riboswitches.
In 2023, he conducted his master's thesis in Prof. Dr. Tanja Weil's group, focusing on programming the self-assembly of UPy-peptide nanomaterials in collaboration with the University of Eindhoven (Netherlands).
In February 2024, Hakan started his PhD in the group of Prof. Dr. Tanja Weil, investigating the modulation of cellular functions through extracellular nanostructure interactions.